Started in 2013, Daily Hope brings the Word of God through Pastor Rick’s teaching to millions of people in nearly every country in the world through radio, app, podcast, video, website, email, discipleship tools, and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube).

God’s Word is shared through a daily written devotional and broadcast message. Daily Hope can be heard on nearly 300 radio stations throughout the USA and 55 international stations in 27 countries. Several of our international stations reach into refugee camps in Africa, ministering to people who have lost their homes and in many instances their families.

Here's a quick glimpse of what your support makes possible...

Mission: To share the certain hope of Jesus Christ

Daily Hope was created by Pastor Rick to bring biblical hope and encouragement to people around the world. Through his daily audio and written devotional Bible teaching, he shares the certain hope of Christ and the biblical truths people need to live a truly purpose driven life that seeks to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Additionally, over 15 million people each year visit PastorRick.com from almost every country in the world to listen to the broadcast, watch his video messages, and read the daily devotional. Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope reaches over 22 million people every month through social media.

Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope is a radio and broadcast ministry with a heart to bring hope to the hopeless, the Gospel to the 3000 remaining unreached people groups around the world, and to combat the erosion of religious liberty in America through a half-hour Bible teaching program, “Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope."

“[God] commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them . . . and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God.”

Psalm 78:5-7 (NLT)

“I tell you, joy breaks out in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who changes both heart and life.”

Luke 15:10 (CEB)

Because of faithful friends and partners like you, God is moving through Daily Hope to reach more than 34 million people every month with the hope of Jesus Christ and the truth of the Gospel. In fact, someone is listening to our broadcast right now and getting to know Jesus!

Over 25,000 Salvations!

More than 25,000 people reported trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior! And that’s just those who took the time to share their story . . . imagine how many more lives God has transformed through your support!

Daily Hope shared the hope of Christ with more people than ever before as our reach grew 55% last year, from 22 million people to 35 million people every month.

Daily Hope is now reaching people in 193 of 197 countries through the Internet, nearly 300 radio stations across the USA, and 55 international radio stations in 27 countries.

Daily Hope was able to distribute Pastor Rick’s relevant, hopeful teaching worldwide to help people navigate the pandemic crisis.

Website Visits

People across the globe are being changed by the Word of God through Pastor Rick’s relevant and hope-filled teaching 24/7.

Website Visits

First-time Visitors

Online Listens




On the Radio

Through Daily Hope, you’re helping take God’s Word and the hope of Jesus to people who feel hopeless and forgotten in some of the world’s largest refugee camps.

Over 230,000 people listen to Daily Hope on 299 stations nationwide every week. Air1 also features Pastor Rick on its 59 Seconds of Hope platform, which reaches 3 million people every day.

Internationally, Daily Hope airs on 55 stations in 27 countries reaching over 8 million people.

Daily Hope TV

God is using Daily Hope to reach over 316,000 people every week with the certain hope of Christ on TBN!

Daily Hope Devotional

Every day, over 845,000 people are receiving hope and encouragement through the Daily Hope email devotional.

Daily Hope Podcast

There were over 2.5 million downloads of the Daily Hope podcast in 2021—allowing listeners worldwide to experience the hope of Jesus on-demand!

Social Media

Each month, Daily Hope reaches people in nearly every country through social media platforms.





God is moving mightily in the hearts and lives of people around the world through Daily Hope and YOU. Thanks to your prayers and support, more lives are being transformed as Daily Hope continues to share the hope found only in Jesus with people around the world.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”

Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)

See how Daily Hope is impacting people for Jesus:

Pastor Rick receives hundreds of testimonies every week from people sharing how God has used Daily Hope to change their lives, and over 21,000 people have reached out to let us know they’ve accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

"I thank God through your messages when I discovered surrender prayer. Surrender—know all my human nature is not enough, and let God control my life."

- Benjamin

"For some time, I've adopted "Let go and let God" and "I'll do my best and God will do the rest." I've seen the last happen in my life and I believe in God with all my heart. Yet, it's been a struggle to do the first. Your messages help me do this. Your openness about your marriage and other situations, the sharing of your journey and Kay's, that the problems my husband and I face are normal, and you shine a light on how to overcome which I find insightful and helpful. To keep on doing the God choices and focus on the end building character not comfort. I forward your messages onto people I know, hoping they will listen to them."

- Francoise

"I’ve been receiving your Daily Hope for a couple years now and it has been a true blessing for me."

- Robert

"My wife and I also have been called to minister to married couples with over 250 couples experiencing our marriage tune ups and small group courses for strengthening marriages. Our current ministry owes a great debt of gratitude to Daily Hope as the inspiration to move outside of ourselves has led to our neighborhood, our church and our community being impacted for Christ."

- Daniel

"Pastor Rick's ministry has transformed my spiritual life, made me know God more, love Him more, and hunger for His Words more through systematic and easy to understand messages. I will pray for Pastor Rick's ministry to always be a blessing to many people and bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord."

- Calvin

"After your series on tithing, I felt convicted and started tithing even though mathematically it was literally impossible. I trusted God with what I had and God covered the tithing and blessed me with even more. I’m now starting your series on Prayer and can’t wait to grow closer to God and walk in His purpose for my life and not my own. Thank you for doing God’s work!"

- Judith

"You and Kay have encouraged us to meditate and memorize scripture (thanks for the excellent scripture cards we love receiving with donations to Daily Hope) and to tithe and joyfully grow our giving as an act of worship. I'm more excited than ever for the opportunity to continue to support Daily Hope financially and its mission (the Great Commission) to bring the Gospel to every country in the world. I just love what you all have done with Daily Hope and am absolutely honored to help support these initiatives, especially during this season of life when I am working full time."

- Natalie

"Your daily hope help me a lot in my spiritual journey as well as in my ministry.....for info, am a prisoner here in the national penetentiary serving my sentence....i come to know the Lord inside cell 13 years ago....now i am serving the Lord as inmate pastor.....i always use your writings, preaching and devotion in sharing the words of God to my fellow prisoners and i see people come to the Lord in many ways....thank you Pastor, you are an inspiration and encouragement to us...."

- Jun

"Often times I was ready to leave my husband and not forgive those that have hurt me, but your teachings based on God’s Word, have made me persevere and forgive even when the party could and can not seem to reciprocate. The struggles are not done, but your words and teachings are always an inspiration and I can say that “it is well with my soul”. Through the years I have made monetary contributions, but now give on a monthly basis. I thank God for the ministry and I pray for you all and thank you for your blessing on me and on so many."

- Diana

"I decided to be a member of HOPE by Pastor Rick because I am so encouraged with his daily podcast. It changes my daily life. I am working remotely and I love listening to all his messages, it's my daily routine. If I am low and sad or I am in a dark place I will listen to him and my moods will change. I feel God is always with me now."

- Evelyn

"I am forever grateful for that day, Pastor Rick, Daily Hope, Saddleback, and you, Rosemary,  for helping me on my journey.  Each one of you need to remember that you never know when that one word, smile, gesture, or phone call can change the trajectory of a person`s life.  God works miracles through you.  I am that miracle!  You are the Light of our Dear Savior Christ Jesus!  God Bless You!"

- Alisa

"First I am so very thankful for your ministry and the impact it has made on my life. I listen to Pastor Rick first thing every morning and follow the study guide, filling in the blanks so I can reference these thoughts later.

As Pastor Rick advised, I also made my faith a part of my business. I thought I was closing down or might be able to sell for a small price. Now that we have had a break in Covid restrictions, my business has increased to levels I have never seen before. My sales plan has taken on a whole new look. Amen!

I’m praying for continued blessings for your ministry and thank you!"

- Barbara

"Thank you for spending your time praying for people. I have been listening to pastor Rick for many, many years. The encouragement Rick brings when speaking has brought me out of some dark times."

- Trisha

"There were many occasions where I struggle to find words to share with the small group I lead here, and the Lord will again speak to me through Daily Hope devotions. I share and post Daily Hope into my small group, WhatsApp chatgroup, almost every other day to encourage them. Thank you again, Pastor. And my prayers are with you and your family always."

- Mageswari

"I have struggled and battled on my new path, but my devotion led me to Pastor Rick. Over this past year, listening to him on the radio has gotten me through the hard times. I truly believe that God spoke to me through him. When I was scared, desperate, and even in the times I wanted to give up and put an end to my life, God saved me through his words. I’m sharing this as a token of my gratitude for how God works miracles, makes way, and breaks chains."

- Asal

"On more days than I can count, Daily Hope has been the “miracle words” the Lord had for me to make it through that day. I have struggled with suicidal thoughts and hopelessness—but Daily Hope has been the constant I needed in my life. It’s the reminder in my mornings that help me be the father I need to be to my children. I am so incredibly blessed. I am reminded of this so often when I read these Daily Hope messages."

- Christian

"Thank you, Pastor Rick, for working so hard to spread the Good News of Jesus! I am so thankful that my sister-in-law shared your podcast with my mother-in-law who shared it with me! While so many things in this world feel so uncertain, your podcast has helped keep me grounded, look for all of God’s blessings around me, and helped me to take time out to grow in relationship with our Savior!"

- Kasey

"The ministry of Rick Warren is touching so many lives in the Bahamas! Recently, we had a young couple show up at church and commit their lives to the Lord—because of Daily Hope! It is indeed amazing what God is doing even in such a time as this. There is more prayer, more repentance, more focus on Christ. It is a privilege to partner with Christ in the Great Commission."

- Hope

"During this last year we have received some of your Bible study materials and my family has started getting together on Wednesday nights to have a meal and do a Bible study. Wow, it has brought my family so close to study God’s Word together. I listen to Daily Hope every morning on my drive to work. Thank you for your teachings, I have learned so much. I pray for you and your ministry."

- Mary

"The Daily Hope devotional has helped me to grow in Christ. They advise me on numerous daily life struggles and God speaks to me through each one of them!"

- Hannah

"Daily Hope has helped me learn more about Jesus, his teachings, and expectations from us as well as how we can be more like him. I am encouraged to help take Daily Hope to more people around the world so they can find peace in his teachings and hope in their future!"

- Juan

“I always thank my God for you and for the gracious gifts he has given you, now that you belong to Christ Jesus . . . Now you have every spiritual gift you need as you eagerly wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 1:4, 7 (NLT)

How God Uses Your Generosity

Because of your prayers and support, we are able to disciple people all around the world. Here is an example of how you are helping to change lives through Daily Hope:

"I’ve been listening to Daily Hope for about a year now and I can’t tell you how much it has enriched my life! You have the BEST way of presenting God’s Word and, due to that, I’m able to share what I learn with friends, family, and strangers. And I feel I can be more of a blessing to others due to the wisdom I have gotten from you and your broadcast!”

- Angie

Thank you for your support to transform the lives of people around the world with the hope of Christ through Daily Hope!

Daily Hope is proud to announce that its strong financial health and ongoing accountability and transparency have earned a 100/100 rating from Charity Navigator’s Encompass Rating System. This score designates Daily Hope as an official “Give with Confidence” charity, indicating that our organization is using its donations effectively based on Charity Navigator’s criteria. Charity Navigator is America’s largest and most-utilized independent charity evaluator. 

Daily Hope Earns a "Give with Confidence" 100/100 Rating From Charity Navigator!